There are easy steps to become a more productive homemaker!

Are you frazzled, unmotivated, and at a loss as to where to start? It’s easy to be unproductive as a homemaker because you don’t have a boss to micromanage you and to tell you what needs to be done. If you also have small children at home with you, they will surely suck up a lot of your time (which is not a bad thing! They’re only little for a short time!).

But just how do you juggle all the responsibilities of homemaking… the cleaning, the parenting, the cooking, the budgeting? Here are 5 tips to help you be a more productive homemaker.

How to be a more productive homemaker

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Set up a morning routine (and stick with it!)

Wake up at the same time every morning. Drink coffee, shower, get dressed, pray, meditate, write in your gratitude journal… whatever you need to do to ground yourself for the day ahead.

A regular routine helps establish consistancy.

Create a cleaning schedule

Have chores planned out for each day of the week. Include daily chores such as emptying the dishwasher, or cleaning up toys. Also include weekly chores, like cleaning the bathtub or vacuuming. Finally, include one deep cleaning chore a week. For example, cleaning the baseboards, or scrubbing the air return vents.

For more tips, be sure to check out these helpful posts:

10 Things to Clean Right Now if Your House Is a Mess

10 Household Items You Aren’t Cleaning Often Enough

Make use of calendar reminders

Using a wall calendar or a digital calendar on your phone will go a long way to making you a more productive homemaker.

Have all appointments and reminders written down on the calendar. Be sure to include doctor’s appointments, teacher’s conferences, haircuts, Bible study or book club meetings, as well as, bill pay reminders.

Use your calendar to help you organize your day.


Maximize your trips out of the house to save time and gas. Plan grocery trips for after a meeting. Or plan play dates on doctor check-up days.

Be sure to check out The Multitasking Moms Club Printables Shop on Etsy

Meal plan

The key to being a productive homemaker is planning ahead! Nowhere is this more helpful than with meal planning.

Investing an hour to meal plan for the week (or weeks) ahead will save you time and money in the long run. Don’t waste valuable time every day wondering what you’ll be making for dinner. Having meals planned out in advance will save your sanity.

To learn more about meal planning, check out: How to Use Meal Planning to Cut Your Grocery Budget

Create a daily to-do list

Look over your cleaning schedule, your calendar, and your meal plan, then organize your agenda for the day.

You can jot it down on paper, or use a dry erase board. Do whatever works for you, but just keep it handy!

Refer to it all day to help keep you on task. You will quickly find that you are a more productive homemaker!

Final thoughts

“Productive” does not equal “perfection”.

Productive means using your time wisely and intentionally.

Your home may not be picture perfect at all times, but if you have used your time productively, you are at least heading in the right direction.

Strive for being productive, not perfect.