Month: January 2020

If you are a homemaker, there are several basic home repair skills you should know.

Let’s face it… you can’t always wait for hubby to get home to take care of a home repair. If the toilet is overflowing, you need to know how to deal with it and fast!

Here are 10 home repair skills every homemaker should master.

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How to unclog a toilet

I know many women who think any sort of toilet maintenance is strictly a man’s job.

Well, I’m sorry, ladies. If you are going to stay at home with children all day, your toilets are going to get backed up. Why do I say that? Because…

Children + toilets = clogs

Know how to use a plunger and keep one handy in each bathroom. For extra difficult clogs, there are more advanced methods like boiling water and dish soap. You can search the internet for different techniques and instructions.

How to patch drywall

In my 20 years as a homemaker, knowing how to patch drywall has come in handy more times than I can count.

Actually, at this point, even my kids are experts.

I’m not sure what that says about my family… except that we are rambunctious and slightly destructive, maybe. :/

Nonetheless, we keep all the supplies needed to patch drywall on hand.

How to change air filters

Changing air filters monthly is not only good for your furnace, but it can also actually save you money on your electric bill. An air handler that is not having to overwork due to a nasty filter, is an air filter that uses less electricity.

Buy filters in bulk so you will have them on hand.

Set a reminder on your calendar for the same day every month so you can be sure you remember to change them.

How to fix a dripping faucet

You may think repairing a dripping faucet is too advanced for you, but, alas momma… you CAN do it! It is not as difficult as you might think.

Just remember to shut the water off before you begin!

There are a number of how-to videos on YouTube to show you how it’s done. Typically, all you need is a screwdriver.

How to shut off water or electrical

If you ever have the unfortunate experience of a water pipe bursting or an electrical outlet sparking, then you will need to know how to shut off water or power quickly.

This is definitely NOT a skill you want to google when the time comes!

Go ahead and learn where the water shut off is by your street and how to use it.

Make sure you know where the electrical panel is and have everything labeled before an emergency.

How to pick an interior lock

Okay, this may not be on everyone’s list of home repair skills, but this is something any stay-at-home mom is going to need to know. Just trust me on this. 😉

I can’t tell you the number of times my children have locked a door and shut it from the other side just to… I don’t know… satisfy their curiosity, I guess.

Again, YouTube is a great place to learn this trick. There are numerous types of indoor locks, so you will probably need to try a few techniques to find the one that works for your doors.

We keep Allen wrenches on top of the door jambs just for this occasion.

How to get stains out of carpet, laminate, or hardwood

No matter the type of flooring in your home, you will need to know how to clean it. Doing it yourself will save you a ton of money and it will be a skill you will use over and over and over and over…. again, trust me.

Go ahead and have the knowledge and an action plan in place for when a stain happens. With an action plan in place, and supplies on hand, you should be able to deal with it quickly.

The sooner you can start stain removal, the better your chances of success.

How to handle pest control

Ants, roaches, and mice.. oh, my!

Yeah, not my favorite thing to deal with either, but it is necessary and easier to deal with upfront before a problem begins or gets out of hand.

Even if you have an exterminator that comes out once a month, you will probably find yourself with the occasional ant infestation in the kitchen, or a rodent in the attic.

Find pest control methods that work for you (chemical-free, all-natural, or whatever you desire) and have them ready to go at the first sign of trouble.

You can check out my own method of beating an ant infestation here: How to Get Rid of Ants in Your Home

How to troubleshoot appliance repair

Learn all you can about your major appliances i.e. dishwasher, refrigerator, washer, dryer, etc.

Armed with knowledge about how something works, and learning how to diagnose problems, could save you a ton of time and money.

Again, Google and YouTube are your friends, here. There is a wealth of information on the internet.

How to hire a repairman or handyman

When you have tried it all, but still need help, by all means, hire an expert.

That might be easier said than done.

The key here is to hire the best person, at the best price, with the best customer service.

Ask friends and neighbors for their recommendations, or check reviews online. Go ahead and have a list of experts (plumbing, heating and air, pest control, etc.) on hand for an emergency. The last thing you want when your basement is rapidly filling with water is to have to search for the perfect plumber.

Have your list ready before you need it.

Also, please be sure to check out these other Homemaking posts:

20 Tips to Create a Cozy Home

How to Negotiate Your Utility Bills

How to Be a Good Homemaker When You’re Not Very Good at Homemaking

101 Frugal Living Hacks

what does it mean to "be still and know that I am God"?

The command to “be still” is everywhere is Christian culture these days. Praise music reminds us to be still. T-shirts declare we are being still. Coffee mugs welcome us to be still. Unfortunately, with rampant commercialization, the command to “be still, and know that I am God” has become… ordinary. It is now one of those verses everyone can quote, but few truly understand.

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